Submit Public Comments-Copies of Penny's letter. Feel free to use
5/6/24--Request Public hearing for air permit for Atlantic Alumina. This is the "Red Dust" plant by the Gramacery -Wallace Bridge; it also emits mercury. Deadline June 4.
4/15/24 OPPOSE HB800 -- calls for a constitutional convention
4/15/24 SUPPORT HB516 --adds emergency response in place as a requirement for CCS
4/15/24 OPPOSE SB432--aims to undo years of progress to protect our drinking water.
4/2/24: OPPOSE HB201 limits to 3% percent the amount of State Fleet that can be EV
4/1/24: OPPOSE SB76 (kills right to know for gas pipelines) AND SB275 (kills citizen science air monitoring)
2024 Louisiana Legislature: OPPOSE HB488: Penny's letter to Reps -opposition to blockchain develoment in Louisiana: Pre-empts local control of Blockchain Centers Scheduled House Debate April 2
Interior Department Proposes Second Offshore Wind Sale in Gulf of Mexico. Deadline: May 20, 2024. BOEM info. To comment on the proposed sale notice, go to and search for docket number BOEM-2024-0017. Submit comments Penny's Bullet points on 2024 Wind Lease
Bullet points for gypstack are under "home" Deadline April 8, 2024