List of some other bills of interest (In random order!)
OPPOSE: Rep. Kathy Edmondston, who has repeatedly tried to bring an end to mandates that require students to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of enrollment. The Louisiana House Education Committee approved her bill HB46 Wednesday, which would apply to public and private schools.
HB 47: Allows parents to opt out of providing proof that their children have been immunized against contagious illnesses.
(From Louisiana Progress) Good Government Reforms --SUPPORT
· Reform the Orleans & Jefferson Regional Transit Authority based on recommendations from RTA union workers--HB544 by Rep. Delisha Boyd
· Require transparency/disclosure when AI is used in political ads–HB154 by Rep. Mandie Landry
Improve Public Safety--SUPPORT
· Partially decriminalize marijuana paraphernalia (no jail, $100 fine)--HB165 by Rep. Delisha Boyd
· Fair Chance Housing Act--HB333 by Rep. Matthew Willard
· Provide incarcerated people with $1000 for every day they are incarcerated beyond the end of their sentence--HB590 by Rep. Edmond Jordan
Insurance Reform--SUPPORT
· Prohibit gender bias in auto insurance base rates--HB199 by Rep. Vanessa LaFleur
· Prohibit the inclusion of advertising costs in auto insurance premiums--HB387 by Rep. Robby Carter
· Require insurance companies to disclose when they are applying for rate changes that would result in a profit of more than 10%, and explain why they need that much profit--HB513 by Rep. Joseph Stagni
· Prohibit the use of certain rating factors in insurance underwriting--HB671 by Rep. Edmond Jordan
· Prohibits insurers' use of external consumer data and information sources if usage results in unfair discrimination--HB673 by Rep. Edmond Jordan
SUPPORT: Same-Sex Marriage Constitutional Amendment: HB98, authored by Rep. Landry,
SUPPORT: Pharmacy Access for PrEP and PEP: HB579, authored by Rep. McMahen,
HB 280 – Prevents DNR from building above ground - Support
OPPOSE: House Bill 608, by Denham Springs Republican Rep. Roger Wilder III, schools would have to designate bathrooms
OPPOSE: HB 322: Protects teachers who discipline students for violating school rules or disrupting class.
OPPOSE: SB 262: Forbids schools to teach that students are either oppressors or oppressed due to their race.
OPPOSE: HB 121: Requires parental permission for students to use a name or gender pronoun other than what’s on their birth certificates.
OPPOSE: HB 122: Prohibits educators from teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity beyond what’s in the state standards. Educators also may not discuss their own gender or sexuality with students.
OPPOSE: HB 66: Creates a voucher-like program, called an education savings account, for families of children with disabilities.
OPPOSE: HB 191: Creates an education savings account program for families of children who have been bullied.
OPPOSE: HB 71: Requires public schools and colleges to post the Ten Commandments in every classroom
OPPOSE: HB 334 and SB 123: Allow schools to hire chaplains.
OPPOSE: HB 320: Repeals policies that required teachers to give lessons on a range of topics including cursive writing, dating violence, internet safety and mental health. Also says teachers no longer need training in first aid, suicide prevention, bullying and other issues.
SUPPORT: HB 420 and SB 205: Pays teachers for time spent planning and working with students after school.
Anti-LGBTQ+ bills--OPPOSE
Trans Erasure Bathroom Bill (HB608): a blatantly anti-trans bill that seeks to rigidly define “sex” in state law by a person’s sex assigned at birth. The bill specifies that this definition would be used for public school restrooms, domestic violence shelters, and adult and juvenile correctional facilities.
Library Bills (HB414, HB545, HB640): Include proposals to apply the crime of obscenity to library content and increase oversight on library boards.